ros_control: Difficulty getting custom hardware interface to run
I am trying to implement a custom hardware interface for a 3-joint manipulator with ros_control. I was following the tutorial on the matter pretty closely. The problem is that while the controller_manager apparently gets started, service calls like list_controllers just hang. I am also unable to load any controllers, as this call also hangs.
To narrow down the possible causes, I created a test node (called test_iface) which contains almost exactly the code from the tutorial mentioned above, i.e., two joints, "A" and "B", and the interface implements a JointStateInterface as well as a PositionJointInterface. The read() and write() methods simply write a message to stdout (ROS_INFO).
Now, when I start this test node, the read/write loop gets executed properly, as I get the ROS_INFO messages from them. Also, the output of rosservice list is:
user@ubuntu:~$ rosservice list
So the controller_manager seems to start up okay. However, when I try to call the list_controllers service (via rqt; expecting an empty list, since no controllers have been loaded yet), the request just hangs and nothing happens.
When I use gazebo instead of my custom HW interface, the service call to list_controllers returns an empty list, as expected. (on a side note, if I run "rosrun controller_manager controller_manager list", that always seems to hang).
What can I do to debug this? Do you have any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? The test_iface code is the MyRobot class from the tutorial, extended by a read() and write() that only print debug messages, and this main method:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "test_iface_node");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
MyRobot robot;
controller_manager::ControllerManager cm(&robot);
ros::Time ts = ros::Time::now();
while (true)
ros::Duration d = ts - ros::Time::now();
ts = ros::Time::now();;
cm.update(ts, d);
return 0;
Any hints or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
I was using your code as example (was in a real need for a simple one) ... well there is a little issue: ros::Duration d = ts - ros::Time::now(); //is negative because time now is later and bigger ...
Must be like ros::Duration d = ros::Time::now() - ts;
My example if you anybody is interested: (based on yours, now with fixed time calculation ;-) )
cyborg-x1, Your link was quite helpful for me. Thanks
hello, what needs to be added in cyborg-x1's example so that the robot can move? Can I add rostopic commands into the program? I am trying to write a program that will ask for user input, as to how to move a link and will give back the actual position of the link.
As far as I remember my example you should have the topic cmd_vel as in the launchfile there is a diff drive controller loaded. Set linear.x part of the message for forward backward speed and angular.z for left/right.