IMU ros orientation
Hello everyone,
This is a 2 part question:
1) I am building a differential drive robot. Which uses encoders and imu to get the orientation of the robot. The imu is an MPU9150 with TM4c1294xl microcontroller. I have successfully fused the gyro and magnetometer via a kalman filter to get an estimate of yaw (referenced with the initial conditions). I want to be able to publish yaw output from my imu via the rosserial package. I will be publishing the yaw output only, so my euler orientation should be (0,0,yaw) right? And which orientation convention does ros use. I am using North-East-Down(NED). I am using udoo board which is running rosserial on its arduino compatible microcontroller. The udoo is connected via i2c to my TM4c1294xl. My question is , does ros provide standard msg type to support euler angles from an imu ? could anyone please point me into the right direction.
2) Would i be better off by tilt compensating my magnetometer rather than just assume that the robot drives on plane surface through out. What are the pros and cons of not implementing it.