ROS-Error why is it occurring?
I created a tread before in which i had problems roslaunch
flir_ptu_driver package, but now i am able to do so.. The problem is now connection to the PTU itself.
This problems occurs when it runs.
* /ptu/ptu_driver/port: /dev/ttyS0
* /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.10
NODES /ptu/
ptu_driver (flir_ptu_driver/ptu_node) /
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
core service [/rosout] found
process[robot_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [22448]
process[ptu/ptu_driver-2]: started with pid [22471]
[ERROR] [1423666094.360529213]: Error getting pan-tilt res
[ERROR] [1423666094.567848519]: Error getting pan-tilt res
[ERROR] [1423666094.775231719]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666094.982708429]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666095.189972127]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666095.397236971]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666095.604498868]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666095.811768242]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666096.019039689]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666096.226318569]: Error getting pan-tilt limit
[ERROR] [1423666096.226392784]: Could not initialize FLIR PTU on /dev/ttyS0
It seems like that the first error messages end, so they seem to resolve somehow, but the last one freezes and never gets resolved. How come?...
I'm having the same problem at this very moment. Thanks for asking