How can install rosjava in ros groovy 1.9.55 in ubuntu 12.04 [closed]
I want to install rosjava to my ros groovy 1.9.55, because I want to do an app for my android tablet. I've been following the tutorial from: and i've been having problems. First i had problems getting the source: $ rosinstall . /opt/ros/groovy but i could solve it i think. But when i get the step 2.5:
$ roscd android_core
//Note: you may need to adjut the argument to the --target
option based
//which Android API version you're using.
//You may have to kill gradle if it's already running.
$ android update project --path ./android_gingerbread_mr1/ --target android-19 $ android update project --path ./android_honeycomb_mr2/ --target android-19 $ cd android_gingerbread_mr1 $ ../gradlew debug $ cd ../android_honeycomb_mr2 $ ../gradlew debug (My gradle version is 1.11 and android version 19)
I have problems with the last 4 operations. I've been searching for solutions but anything solve it. It would ve bery helpfull if someone can explain how I can do it, because I''m new in ros and very lost now,
Thank you
I have exactly the same problem.. I want to create an app using andoid and I'm stuck at the same point.. :S
This is the fail i get when i try to gradlew debug the 2 projects