jsk_visualization build failure
i got ubuntu 14.04 and indigo. i went into catkin_ws/src and run git clone https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_visualization.git
After checking out, i went into catkin_ws and run rosdep install jsk_rviz_plugins
then catkin_make
. The error then is:
/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/jsk_visualization/jsk_rviz_plugins/src/video_capture_display.cpp:132:30: error: ‘CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT’ was not declared in this scope
writer_.open(file_name_, CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT, fps_, cv::Size(width, height));
After inserting #include <opencv/cv.h>
into src/jsk_visualization/jsk_rviz_plugins/src/camera_info_display.h
and then re-run catkin_make
, it tells me now:
error: ‘CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT’ was not declared in this scope
Is this package broken or did i something wrong ?
The authors are using continuous integration and testing that package, so it's unlikely that it's broken. Do you have OpenCV installed from source or through apt?
hi, it wasnt my intention to install opencv, but i think "rosdep install jsk_rviz_plugins" has installed it. It has installed so many packages that i dont know if it was upon them, but i think so.
rosdep would have installed OpenCV though apt, so OpenCV probably isn't your problem.
I tried building jsk_rviz_plugins with Indigo on 14.04, without any trouble. Which other packages do you have in your workspace?
hi ahendrix, some other packages, do i need to have a special workspace with special packages ?
how do you build ? catkin_make in catkin_ws ?