Trouble building fovis_ros on Hydro [closed]
Hello, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with ROS Hydro and wanted to test fovis_ros with a Kinect, but I'm having trouble building the package.
Following the advice given in this question I executed the following commands :
git clone
git clone
So I had the fovis and libfovis folders inside catkin_ws/src.
Then I tried building with catkin_make and got the following messages at the end:
[ 98%] Built target fovis_ros_generate_messages
/home/ire/catkin_ws/src/fovis/fovis_ros/src/visualization.cpp:3:40: fatal error: libfovis/visual_odometry.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: * [fovis/fovis_ros/CMakeFiles/visualization.dir/src/visualization.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: [fovis/fovis_ros/CMakeFiles/visualization.dir/all] Error 2
make: ** [all] Error 2
Invoking "make" failed
I verified and the "visual_odometry.hpp" file is inside the libfovis/libfovis folder, like the rest of the files used by fovis_ros that don't seem to present an issue.
I tried building the libfovis library first, which gave no trouble and then adding fovis_ros but I got the exact same error. I also followed the advice from issue #11 but the problem remained.
Here is the complete log in case it's more useful.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Athria, could you try to install ros-hydro-libfovis, remove libfovis from your workspace, delete build and devel directories and compile again?
Hello, than you! I tried that before installing libfovis from the git and I got errors, but I did it again (removing the libfovis, build and devel folders, then installing ros-hydro-libfovis an then catkin_make) but this is what I got.
Hello, I'm sorry, that was indeed the problem. I was selecting Hydro on the Branch scroll bar and then copying the clone URL on the right, but I guess it was not the way to do it; this time I downloaded the zip instead and it compiled without errors.
Thank you very much!