odometry manually
hello, i need to publish the odometry information over ROS with my own robot platform (SuperDroid platform) and i'm using Roboteq SDC21xx microcontroller. the thing is that in this code http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutori... there are three variables that I have to provide which are 16 double vx = 0.1; 17 double vy = -0.1; 18 double vth = 0.1; Now, my question is if i provided the values and computations of the variables manually. which unit measures should I use? inches/s ? radians? how?
thank u
yea and why do i have to provide the wheels size i dont get it
Why don't you follow the standard msg type for odom msgs? You can decide what units you want to send them in though as long as the node receiving the msg is aware of that.