Not able to open socket socket 0 at host: X.X.X.X at port 50001
I’m trying to connect the robot (UR10) with my computer through and ethernet cable. I can ping it and execute scripts without ROS, but when I’m trying to execute some ROS scripts the UR10 log says “Not able to open Socket Socket 0 to host: “IP” at port: 50001: Connection timeout. This happened while I was trying to execute the ur_bringup, the program output stays all the time writing: Waiting to program...
Could you give us some advice? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind regards.
Please add some more information to your post: ROS version, Ubuntu version, version of
pkgs, Polyscope version, control box version, etc. Did you install ROS /universal_robot
from source, or did you useapt-get
?Also, see if issues/191 and / or issues/183 describe your problem.
@AA: I've removed your answer, as it wasn't really an answer and your cross-posting from ros-industrial/universal_robot#291 which is not nice.
Please provide more information on your ticket and we'll try to fix it there.