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point cloud transform

asked 2015-04-27 18:57:48 -0500

dmngu9 gravatar image

i transformed point cloud 2 from kinect in camera optical depth frame to base link frame. However, the point cloud published in the new topic appears to be a lot slower. Did i do sth wrong?

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-05-01 10:26:26 -0500

It's impossible to know if you did something wrong without seeing some source code.

But I would guess that one of two things are happening:

  1. Are you using a waitForTransform() call? If so, your transformations from base link to camera_depth_optical_frame could be taking too long to publish.
  2. Your machine might not have enough processing power to transform the point cloud quickly. I've noticed performance problems with any point clouds over around 50,000 points.
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Asked: 2015-04-27 18:57:48 -0500

Seen: 160 times

Last updated: May 01 '15