Use ROS in a Qt application [closed]
I made a Qt application and now I would like control a bot with it. Unfortunately, I didn't find how use ROS library with Qt. All what I found didn't work.
Firstly, I tried to add simply the librairy in the .pro, without success :
unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../../opt/ros/indigo/lib/ -lroslib
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../opt/ros/indigo/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../../../../opt/ros/indigo/include
Secondly, I followed this tuto, but the compilation failed.
Thirdly, I read this tuto, but I don't know where put my files.
Moreover, I need a .pro in order to use the QtNetwork unit. How simply set QtCreator to use a ROS class? And I didn't understand how the CMakeLists.txt file works.
Thanks in advance,
best regards.