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Error? in move_base.cpp executeCycle(...) [closed]

asked 2015-06-09 11:35:49 -0500

dimkirt gravatar image

updated 2015-06-09 12:05:25 -0500

I'm currently working with move_base.cpp in hydro (though I saw that the same applies to the other versions too), and I noticed that at the oscillation_pose_ (which is a private variable of the class) is never initialized somewhere in the code. So I wonder what's happening here.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by dimkirt
close date 2015-06-09 20:49:45.570061

1 Answer

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answered 2015-06-09 19:44:51 -0500

David Lu gravatar image

It's slightly lazy not to initialize it explicitly, but its initialized to 0,0,0.

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Hello David, thanks for your answer. Also, I'm wondering what happens with orientation and the header (though they don't play any part in this case) of the PoseStamped message. Plus, where can I find the default inits for each message? TIA

dimkirt gravatar image dimkirt  ( 2015-06-09 20:13:49 -0500 )edit

The default is for numbers to be 0 and the strings are empty.

David Lu gravatar image David Lu  ( 2015-06-09 20:38:47 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-06-09 11:35:49 -0500

Seen: 104 times

Last updated: Jun 09 '15