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Problems with building hector navigation

asked 2015-06-13 01:28:44 -0600

psprox96 gravatar image

updated 2015-06-13 01:56:55 -0600

gvdhoorn gravatar image

My error:

CMake Error at /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package):
  Could not find a configuration file for package costmap_2d.

  Set costmap_2d_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file
  for costmap_2d.  The file will have one of the following names:


Call Stack (most recent call first):
  hector_navigation/hector_exploration_planner/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
CMake Error at /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package):
  Could not find a configuration file for package nav_core.

  Set nav_core_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for
  nav_core.  The file will have one of the following names:


Call Stack (most recent call first):
  hector_navigation/hector_exploration_planner/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

-- Eigen found (include: /usr/include/eigen3)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'hector_exploration_node'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(hector_navigation/hector_exploration_node)
CMake Error at /home/gordon/catkin_ws/devel/share/hector_exploration_planner/cmake/hector_exploration_plannerConfig.cmake:165 (find_package):
  Could not find module Findcostmap_2d.cmake or a configuration file for
  package costmap_2d.

  Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find Findcostmap_2d.cmake or set costmap_2d_DIR
  to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for costmap_2d.  The
  file will have one of the following names:


Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package)
  hector_navigation/hector_exploration_node/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
CMake Error at /home/gordon/catkin_ws/devel/share/hector_exploration_planner/cmake/hector_exploration_plannerConfig.cmake:165 (find_package):
  Could not find module Findnav_core.cmake or a configuration file for
  package nav_core.

  Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find Findnav_core.cmake or set nav_core_DIR to
  the directory containing a CMake configuration file for nav_core.  The file
  will have one of the following names:


Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package)
  hector_navigation/hector_exploration_node/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

-- +++ processing catkin package: 'hector_costmap'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(hector_navigation/hector_costmap)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
CMake Error at /opt/ros/groovy/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package):
  Could not find a configuration file for package pcl_conversions.

  Set pcl_conversions_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration
  file for pcl_conversions.  The file will have one of the following names:


Call Stack (most recent call first):
  hector_navigation/hector_costmap/CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)

-- +++ processing catkin package: 'hector_elevation_mapping'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(hector_navigation/hector_elevation_mapping)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed

Can someone help me? Thanks!

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-06-23 17:47:21 -0600

cqm4061 gravatar image


apt-get install ros-indigo-navigation

It contains the costmap_2d package. I also had to install ros-indigo-pcl-conversions and ros-indigo-pcl-ros to finally get the hector-navigation stack to work. This is all assuming you have ROS Indigo installed of course. Good luck!

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Yes! It works! Thanks a lot!

psprox96 gravatar image psprox96  ( 2015-06-23 20:27:46 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2015-06-13 01:28:44 -0600

Seen: 3,899 times

Last updated: Jun 23 '15