Questions on RVIZ settings for Hokuyo laser scan
After connecting my Hokuyo with the laptop, I ran urg_node, tf_broadcaster, tf_listener, state_robot_publisher and RVIZ.
The Hokuyo doesnt scan the area with laser yet since I need to do configuration.
For Global Options, fixed frame is /base_laser.
For Grid, reference frame is /base_laser.
For Laser Scan, topic is /scan, now working.
For TF, status is Warn because:
/map No transform from [/map] to frame [/base_laser]
/my_frame No transform from [/my_frame] to frame [/base_laser]
For Map, no topic.
How do I troubleshoot the warning?
What is your laser frame? /my_frame? Then set the fixed frame to that.
I set fixed frame to /base_link and it is OK now. However, /map and /my_frame are still at "Warning". Do you know what did I set wrongly?