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Help with ROS

asked 2015-06-22 08:13:01 -0500

Dynamite gravatar image

updated 2015-06-22 09:02:48 -0500

Hi all.

I really want to get into ROS but I am having quite a few problems. I only know the basic of programming, but my interest is much more in mechanical design and construction. That's also the reason why I am so much interested in ROS.

Is there a place where you can have a forum log, so it will be easier to get help than asking a question everytime. I am on my own with this in my spare time.

Does any one have a project which makes you connect an arduino to ROS, in order to control a robot with two motors connected to a h-bridge, just as a beginner project to get started?

Also I'd liked to make the Follow me robot with the kinect sensor, but so far I can't make it work, but the kinect is connected since I can access the dual screen view with $freenect-glview and therefore I think I'll need to reinstall everything from what I can read from another guy having the same problem. is it common that ROS packages gives a lot of trouble installing or is it because of all the other drivers the kinect uses making it much more complex?

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-06-22 09:36:14 -0500

corb gravatar image

ROS is an incredibly powerful system, but also complex. I'd recommend starting slow and simple. Go through the beginner tutorials (you can get through them pretty quickly). Then start on a simple project. Installing Kinect is one of the trickier things to do. I would post your arduino/ h-bridge question separately with its own title to improve chance of finding someone who's done that.

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Thank you corb. I've gone through all the beginner tutorials before I started trying to get the Kinect working.

Would it be better to invest in a Raspberry Pi or another controllerboard (Which one then) in order to use ROS for Robotic Platform development and design?

Dynamite gravatar image Dynamite  ( 2015-06-22 10:18:25 -0500 )edit

There are basically 3 options for hardware: 1. RaspPi-2 (or ODROID C1) - $36 - this will be fine for basic ROS things. It will not have enough power to run RVIZ. Kinect may be a stretch. 2. Nvidia TK1 - $200 - very fast ARM system with Kepler GPU. 3. Cheap x86 system - will run all ROS pkgs

corb gravatar image corb  ( 2015-06-22 11:30:10 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2015-06-22 08:13:01 -0500

Seen: 350 times

Last updated: Jun 22 '15