How should RPY converted from an IMU look like? [closed]
What angles should be there?
0°-360° ?
-180° - 0° - 180° ?
Or something else?
I am for example using this code and I am getting weired results...
void cb_imu(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr &msg)
double roll, pitch, yaw;
tf::Quaternion q;
tf::quaternionMsgToTF(msg->orientation, q);
tf::Matrix3x3(q).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("RPY: "<<roll*180.0/M_PI<<" "<<pitch*180.0/M_PI<<" "<<yaw*180.0/M_PI);
My Results of YAW show two times zero, for one half of the circle the values are negative (go up to -40°) and for the other half the same for positive values.