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How can I use webcam on fuerte?

asked 2015-07-02 02:54:39 -0500

jossy gravatar image

updated 2015-07-02 03:41:04 -0500

I use ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte. I want to get frame from webcam. I try to install camera driver. I plan to use ucv_cam driver but its documentation says that

This package is no longer actively maintained.

So I want to try libucv_camera . libuvc_camera documentation has 3 ros version(groovy, hydro, indigo), not fuerte. How can I use camera on fuerte?

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answered 2015-07-02 04:25:14 -0500

This just means nobody takes care for it, further development, bugs ... etc.

If you want to use fuerte I guess, I think it does not matter if you use that package. In your case, I would upgrade your own packages to use catkin instead of hanging around with the old distribution. If that is not possible, you will have to backport all newer packages to fuerte (yes they will be catkin) you want to use. I think it is definitely easier to upgrade your packages to catkin as the other way round.



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Asked: 2015-07-02 02:54:39 -0500

Seen: 210 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '15