SickLMS Reading Reflector bits
I'm using the sick lms200 and I want to measure both range and reflective data. Using lms2xx_config I've set the measurement mode to 8m and 8 level reflector bits. I ran sicklms and used rostopic echo scan, I can see the values for range, but no values for intensites, its an empty set.
My question is, am I able to in anyway recieve range and reflectivity data on the LMS200 (I know that it does not have fast mode) and if I can then how?
Also can someone explain to me how changing the measurement mode to include reflector bits is suppose to work?
Have you tried
rosrun sicktoolbox lms2xx_stream_range_and_reflect PATH [BAUD RATE]
? Does it give you intensities?Unfortainly the LMS200 doesn't hve fast mode, which is required for lms2xx_stream_range_and_reflect