SICK LMS221 w/ sicktoolbox_wrapper
I am trying to interface with my SICK LMS221 which I inherited from another project. So here goes,
The sensors is connected via RS422 to a RS422-> Ethernet converter (SeaLevel 4103). Across ethernet (using socat on Ubuntu 14) I am able to connect to the laser.
I CAN connect to the serial port.
Through python ...
I CAN send a raw hex serial Sick Status Query (02 00 01 00 31 15 12) and get a response.
I CAN change the baud rate of the device through raw hex command.
I CAN start the data streaming through the raw hex command.
However, when I try and connect to the laser, it fails to recognize that it is connected in any way.
rosrun sicktoolbox_wrapper sicklms _port:=~/dev/ttyLMS _baud:=38400
(Socat creates a PTY at ~/dev/ttyLMS) (The baud rate shouldn't matter at all because the RS422<->Ethernet adapter forces the port settings)
I have several theories ...
1) The RS422<->ethernet adapter introduces some small delay which is larger than the sicktoolbox timeout causing it to fail
2) My laser isn't supported and/or the wrong command/response is being sent
Any ideas? I have been trying to figure this out for a while now ... :(