Adding roll and pitch from offset IMU to base frame
The ground usually isn't completely flat, so what I like to do is add a roll and pitch from an IMU to correct the laser scan frame before using it for gmapping and amcl.
I was planning to use to publish base_frame with the roll and pitched added, and add the laser frame to base_frame.
The IMU on the robot is offset by a translation and rotation from the actual base link. hector_imu_attitude_to_tf just takes roll and pitch from sensor_msgs/Imu published, and publishes the TF. But what I need to do, is find roll and pitch of base frame from my IMU, and not just take the roll and pitch directly from the IMU itself.
Is there a way to find roll/pitch of base_frame from using TF as it is? Or is it something which requires calculation on my end and republish the IMU message before sending it into hector_imu_attitude_tf?
The system being run is ROS indigo on ubuntu 14.04. Thank you!