Is there something like TransformWithCovarianceStamped?
I'm using a tf::StampedTransform
message to add some odometric measurements to a factor graph, and I'd like to initialize the noise model for the measurement using the covariance from the ROS package thats publishing the TF.
I had thought there was a transform message that included covariance, but perhaps I was thinking of PoseWithCovarianceStamped
, as I do not see an equivalent TransformWithCovarianceStamped
among the geometry message types. I guess what I'm asking is in general, how one might one refactor this to incorporate covariance information, is there perhaps a pose listener lookup? I'm using a tf_listener
to look up the transform between two times, but now I also need to look up the connivance for it as well.
I'm using a tf listener to grab the relative pose between time stamps like so: tf_pose_plugin.cpp#L38
And svo for visual radiometry is publishing the tf like so: visualizer.cpp#L208
but svo also publishes PoseWithCovarianceStamped here: visualizer.cpp#L196