Cmake Project to Catkin
Hey every one, I have the following folder structure of a pure cmake project:
- code/
- build/
- cmake/
- other/
which can be compiled by the following commands without problem:
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
I would like to catkinize this package without interfering with its complex dependency structure.
Basically build the package normally from the same root "/build"
and than link the created libraries to the catkin libraries.
Unfortunately when I use catkin_make the root of the cmake is changing.
This can be seen as I get an cmake error for not finding CompilerOptions.cmake (which is in build).
I tried to Set(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/projectfolder)
, but without the desired behavior.
How can I change the catkin_make path accordingly, if I have the structure:
- build
- devel
- src/
- code/
- build/
- cmake/
- other/
Thank you very much for your help.