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connection to R-30ib

asked 2015-09-17 13:17:06 -0500

TheDude35 gravatar image

updated 2015-09-18 00:41:22 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image


I haven't been able to get through to Fanuc about this concern I have and I am wondering how a machine running ROS is typically connected to an industrial robot controller? I have an R-30ib with me and there are connections to a RS-323C port and a PCMCIA connection port as well. I'm not sure which adapter I should buy to initiate communication between my laptop and the controller. Initially I was looking for an ethernet connection but I couldn't find one on the panel, if anyone has ever had experience with using ROS on industrial robot arms could give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, Devin

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answered 2015-09-17 14:52:58 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2015-09-17 15:17:55 -0500

General comment: the ROS-Industrial 'branch' of ROS is where we focus on using ROS with industrial robots. You might want to get in touch with us on the ROS-Industrial mailing list.

Initially I was looking for an ethernet connection but I couldn't find one on the panel [..]

The fanuc_driver page lists the requirements on both the software and the hardware of your controller: you must have ethernet support, as well as options R632 (KAREL) and R648 (User Socket Messaging). Afaik, all R-30iB controllers come with ethernet networking installed, I'm not sure where the port(s) is (are) located inside the controller itself though.

As for the other options: please make sure you have them (they are not installed by default), otherwise the fanuc_driver package will not be compatible.

Edit: according to the R-30iB Controller Maintenance Manual (B-83195EN/03), Section (Connection to Ethernet), the port is labelled CD38{A,B,C}. Pages 223 and 224 should show you where it is located.

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Asked: 2015-09-17 13:17:06 -0500

Seen: 1,824 times

Last updated: Sep 17 '15