move_base navigation robot rotation problem

asked 2015-10-02 06:26:55 -0500

osmancns gravatar image

hello. my robot move straight but on rotational path robot can not follow path. wich ı need to change parameters ?

my standart robot speed : 0.25 m/sn lidar : 40hz 10m

this my problem video :

    planner_frequency:          0     # Global plan updates on new goal or path blocked only
controller_frequency:       4.0 #10
planner_patience:           5.0
controller_patience:        3.0
conservative_reset_dist:    2.0
recovery_behavior_enabled:  true
clearing_rotation_allowed:  true
shutdown_costmaps:          false
oscillation_timeout:        0.0
oscillation_distance:       0.5

  allow_unknown:                      true
  planner_window_x:                   0.0
  planner_window_y:                   0.0
  default_tolerance:                  0.1
  visualize_potential:                true
  planner_costmap_publish_frequency:  0.5


# Robot Configuration Parameters
  acc_lim_x:                    10.0 #0.05
  acc_lim_y:                    4.0 #0.05
  acc_lim_th:                   3.0 #0.08
  max_vel_x:                    0.25 #0.4
  min_vel_x:                    0.25
  max_rotational_vel:           1.5 #0.3
  min_in_place_rotational_vel:  0.05
  escape_vel:                   -0.2
  holonomic_robot:              false
  max_vel_theta:                1.5

# The following parameters are only used if holonomic_robot is set to true:
  y_vels: [-0.3, -0.1, 0.1, 0.3]

# Goal Tolerance Parameters
  yaw_goal_tolerance:           0.20 #0.10
  xy_goal_tolerance:            0.20 #0.10
  latch_xy_goal_tolerance:      true

# Forward Simulation Parameters
  sim_time:                     3.0 #4.0
  sim_granularity:              0.025 #0.25
  angular_sim_granularity:      0.02 #0.05
  vx_samples:                   6
  vtheta_samples:               20
  # controller_frequency:       20 # set above

# Trajectory Scoring Parameters
  meter_scoring:                true
  path_distance_bias:           0.6
  goal_distance_bias:           0.8
  occdist_scale:                0.1
  heading_lookahead:            0.325
  heading_scoring:              true
  heading_scoring_timestep:     0.8
  dwa:                          true
  publish_cost_grid_pc:         false
  global_frame_id:              /odom_combined

# Oscillation Prevention Parameters
  oscillation_reset_dist:       0.1

# Global Plan Parameters
  prune_plan:                   true
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