Create a 2d map to place a robot
Hello. I'm an absolute begginer. Read a while back the book "A gentle introdution to ROS". I need do draw a 2d labyrinth and place a robot, like turtlesim to implement some intelligence and make it move. How can I do it? Can I replace the backgoung of turtlesim with a .png image and make the turtlesim_node detect a colision with a wall by a color? I read about costmap_2d, but I don't want to make a map, I want to have one where my robot with a collision sensor can move through.
Hi! i think you should star searching about 2d simulators in ROS. Since it seems what you are trying to do is just a simple 2d simulation. Gazebo is the most used simulator in ROS, but is for 3d environments, so you should search some altenatives, and learn how to use them with the wiki.
You're right. I'm now using stdr_simulator. Thank you
No problem :D.I will add this comment as an answer then to let other people know that your problem has been solved.