how to send a predefined path to a local planner?
hello everyone,
I am facing a situation.
I am recently developing a trajectory planner for research purposes. I have written the trajectory planner in a local planner, which has adhered to the local_planner interface set in nav_core.
In order to test and improve this trajectory planner, I should feed a complex enough path (curve path for example) into the trajectory planner and analyse the generated output trajectory commands. Now I can do so by setting a goal pose on Rviz and using one of the global planners. But this does not always generate exactly the same path every time.
So I wish to send a predefined complex path (or a vector of PoseStamped) to the trajectory planner directly (like using: rostopic pub), or reproduce the same complex path on Rviz feeding to the trajectory planner.
Do you have any ideas how to do so or even better methods?
Thanks very much in advance.
did you figure this out? if so, do you have any sample code that you can share? Thank you.
No, I did not. Although the comments below are very smart and helpful, I did not have enough time to implement that back then. I ended up with a compromised test plan (mostly focused on only testing simple paths, instead of complex paths)