If you can't fix it yourself (fi because you don't know what would be the proper fix), then it probably makes sense to report it to the issue tracker of the corresponding package (in this case ros-planning/navigation/issues).
As almost all pages are in some way related to packages, that would cover most of them.
As to your specific problem, this has been reported before (see Bad links on wiki.ros.org/move_base: The requested URL /api/move_base_msgs/html/msg/MoveBaseActionGoal.html was not found on this server), but didn't get answered. The Groovy version of the links do work (see move_base_msgs Msg/Srv Documentation).
I think the issue is currently actually tracked at ros-infrastructure/roswiki#137 ("MsgSrvDoc macro limited to last ROS version"), as it's not so much a documentation issue (ie: written by humans), as it is an issue with the infrastructure auto-generating those links.