RVIZ octomap plugin doesn't show produced octomap
I'm currently trying to produce octomap using octomap_server and my laser range finder in gazebo. Everything seems to work fine, data is published into octoma_server and then published into /octomap_binary topic. Then I'm using rviz octomap plugin to visualize final octomap. Rviz says that everything is ok, but I can't see any visualization of octomap at all...
The funny thing is that yesterday I was able to visualize everything. But then I started to play with newer versions of octomap and tried to override ROS source version of octomap with newer version from git. Then I went through some problems, so I decided to move back to the state when everything worked.
Unfortunately it seems like I forgot on something which is causing me this trouble... Does anybody know where the problem could be? I tried reinstalling whole ros, but this also doesn't do anything...