How to start playing with octomap
I recently discovered octomap and was able to run mapping with octomap_server. But my question is how to start implementing this in my own project. I mean... is there some way to improve or extend this project since I don't have access to source code (or do I, I haven't really understood ROS's build system yet)?
For example, when running octomap_mapping.launch, map is generated based on point cloud that I send to given topic. Is there way to modify this to accept multiple sensors from multiple robots and then fuse whole map? What I've read in their article, octomap should be prepared to do this.
Is there for example way to override ROS octomap with and use that and modify it in some way? Because I plan to try this also outside ROS so trying to disconnect it could be very useful in long run.
Sorry, but I basically have no idea how to start using this amazing tool properly.
Thanks a lot for any advice.
Can you publish all the pointclouds onto whatever topic octomap is listening to? The headers ought to distinguish them so octomap doesn't get confused.
It would be neat if remap could be used as many times as desired to have a node listen to multiple topics in one subscribe... or can it already?
Well it kind of does. When I publish pointclouds from different sensors to that topic, it merges them, but it takes a while. I think there is an issue with that idea of multiple publishers, because subscriber just get some message and don't care where it came from.
When you launched octomap_mapping does it display some output ? Since, i just see it's running fine but nothing as output.
@Eyshika, in the launch file, you must modify the value of the "frame_id" (possibly to "odom") and the remap for "cloud_in" (usually to="/camera/depth/points") based on your active topics.