Display CameraInfo/Image message with frame_id != fixed frame
Hi guys,
I've tried to display multiple CameraInfo/Image messages within rviz. I have tf_broadcasters, publishing the camera transformations with about 50 Hz.
My CameraInfo/Image messages have different frame_id's and I want to visualize them with rviz' default plugin. However, a camera image only shows up if the global fixed frame is equal to the image frame_id. Specifically, the warning within the plugin is :
No CameraInfo received on [/sensor/camera/st_front_right_rect/camera_info]. Topic may not exist.
No Image received
At first, I thought this could happen because of tf, but this seems to be fine.
My tf tree, visualized via view_frames
looks fine (one root, with several leaves). In particular, doing a rosrun tf tf_monitor camera_rig_calibration st_front_left_rect
gives me
RESULTS: for camera_rig_calibration to st_front_left_rect
Chain is: camera_rig_calibration -> st_front_left_rect
Net delay avg = 0.0161706: max = 0.223564
Frame: st_front_left_rect published by unknown_publisher Average Delay: 0.00131894 Max Delay: 0.030248
Doing a rostopic echo /sensor/camera/st_front_left_rect/image_rect/header
gives me for the Image/header:
seq: 1077
secs: 18980
nsecs: 802162648
frame_id: st_front_left_rect
and rostopic echo /sensor/camera/st_front_left_rect/cameraInfo/header
for the CameraInfo/Header:
seq: 1077
secs: 18980
nsecs: 802162456
frame_id: st_front_left_rect
However, I cannot visualize the image for fixed frame camera_rig_calibration
Any ideas, how I could further debug? Thanks in advance for any help provided!
What could be other reasons for the CameraInfo/Image not showing up? I can provide further code if desired.
Regards, Sascha