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Interface EtherCAT servo motor with ROS

asked 2016-02-16 20:47:21 -0500

dgnikiroat gravatar image

updated 2016-02-17 20:34:09 -0500

hello everyone,

i am student and i want to build my own robot arm. I have finished my robot urdf file and MoveIt! setup. Now i have bought Panasonic Servo and motor(MINAS A5B EtherCAT servo drives). But i can't communicate servo with Ros and don't know which package i can use. Should i use ros_control package? Can anyone guide me?


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3 Answers

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answered 2016-02-17 04:11:08 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

I think you'll want to look at ros_ethercat by Shadow Robot. It's a rewrite of the Ethercat interfacing stack used on the PR2, but ros_control capable, more generic and maintained.

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Thanks! a very good example!

dgnikiroat gravatar image dgnikiroat  ( 2016-02-17 18:57:44 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-02-17 02:17:58 -0500

altella gravatar image

Hello; Not all the motors and protocols are supported, as far as I know. If there is an SDK for the drives on linux, you can always program your own interface node..

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answered 2018-02-08 10:04:22 -0500

You could take a look at the Robotiq gripper implementation and modify it so that it matches the EtherCAT table specific to your device

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Asked: 2016-02-16 20:47:21 -0500

Seen: 1,832 times

Last updated: Feb 08 '18