use of rtabmap with 3D lidars
I need to scan and get an accurate 3D model of a small building and its surroundings (trees, etc.). I plan on mounting my sensors on a small drone and fly around the building to scan it. The resolution should be good enough to see details like pipes, chimneys, conduits, etc. My main question is whether rtabmap can be used to achieve it. My second questions is what is the best sensor setup to use with rtabmap to achieve this goal. I have a 3D LiDAR unit (Velodyne VLP-16). Can it be used by RTAB to produce a 3D model? Do I need any additional sensors and why? I can use velodyne_pointcloud node to get sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 point clouds from the lidar. Can rtabmap be used to produce an accurate 3D model from them? Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you.