How to extract XYZ data from .pcap file
Hello, I am a complete freshman on Linux, ROS so, don't be mad :). I have a Velodyne VLP16 and the list that I want to with this laser is:
- Acquire raw data (.pcap)
- Visualize it using 3D viewer
- Extract XYZ and Intensity data from acquired raw data
What I accomplished so far is only No.2 using commands below (I downloaded .pcap file from velodyne website):
$ roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud VPL16_points.launch pcap:=/home/soowon/Documents/County_Fair.pcap
$ rosrun velodyne_pointcloud cloud_node _calibration:=/home/soowon/catkin_ws/src/velodyne-master/velodyne_pointcloud/params/VLP16db.yaml
$ rosrun rviz rviz -f velodyne
$ Add -> By topic -> /velodyne_points -> PointCloud2
By commands above, I was able to see pointcloud using RViz. Now here's my questions:
I followed tutorial ( ) to establish connection using command below,
$ sudo ifconfig eth0
$ sudo route add 192.168.XX.YY eth0
however, according to wireshark, connection wasn't established at all.
- Now I can see (gladly) the pointcloud, I really want to extract X,Y, and Z coordinates with intensity from .pcap file. I found some great sources to start ( ), but I am not sure whether I can pull this off by myself :(
Any advice would be superb!! Thank you :)
script will run the cloud nodelet for you, so therosrun velodyne_pointcloud cloud_node
is unnecessary.Since you seem to be able to view the point cloud, I am uncertain what your exact question is. Are you asking about how to do the connection? Or, are you wondering how to write a ROS node that processes the data?
I would be really interested in the second question you mention.. how to write a ROS node that processes the data?