RTAB-Map with Turtlebot Navigation for a Known Map [closed]
I am using rtabmap_ros on a Turtlebot in Gazebo. I have successfully created the map with RTAB-Map. Now, I would like to do the navigation with a known map. You can see my launch file here.
My problem is that, my map is just loaded for a second, and after that it disappears. I don't know what changes are necessary for my launch file to fix this problem. To run my files you can run the following commands:
1) Launch the turtlebot in Gazebo:
$ ROBOT_INITIAL_POSE="-x -2 -y -1" roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
2) Load the saved map, run rtabmap_ros, run navigation, and visualize the robot on Rviz
$ roslaunch turtlebot_rtabmap_simulation turtlebot_rtabmap_navigation.launch
The distro of my ROS is indigo running on Ubuntu 14.04.
Thank you.