CRAM MoveIt Tutorial problem
I'm working through the first tutorial on using MoveIt with CRAM, and I'm able to load the tutorial module, query the state of the robot, etc. without problems.
However, when I try to move the robot with the line
(move-link-pose "r_wrist_roll_link" "right_arm" tuti:*pose-mid*)
the REPL shows
[(MOVEIT) ERROR] 1457223557.388: Empty actionlib response.
and the MoveIt terminal window says
[ERROR] [1457223552.356453336]: Exception thrown when deserializing message of length [5034] from [/tutorial-client]: Buffer Overrun
What might be the problem? I thought that maybe some piece of CRAM code was built against an old version of moveit_msgs, but I've tried catkin_make-ing in a clean workspace with no change.