how to use object_recognition_kitchen(ORK) ?
I'm using Indigo+ubuntu14.04(32bit)
I am trying to make some experiment with ORK(object recognition kitchen).
But I've had a lot of trouble.Here are my steps follow the tutorial of ORK:
First : sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ecto-*
Second : sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ecto-*
Third : database configuration
Last : follow Quick Guideas belows:
①rosrun object_recognition_core
②source /opt/indigo/setup/
④roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
⑤rosrun object_recognition_capture orb_template -o my_textured_plane
Then the KeyError hanppend:
In another way,I try to built it from source,it's result like:
I don't know how to deal with it,and my purpose is to recognise some specified objects and show its coordinates.
Please give me a guide or some advice, thank you.