<machine> in launch file does not work?
I'm trying to launch the turtlebot_rviz_navigation from a launch file using the machine tag. The launch file exists on the robot and rviz will be run on a remote computer. Both have ROS installed and both can ssh into the other without any problems.
Here is my definition of the machine and the node:
<machine name="comp" address="comp@" user="comp" env-loader="/opt/ros/indigo/env.sh" />
<node machine="comp" name="view_navigation" pkg="turtlebot_rviz_launchers" type="view_navigation.launch" output="screen" launch-prefix="xterm -e" />
/opt/ros/indigo/env.sh in the remote computer has the contents:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. /opt/ros/indigo/setup.sh
exec "$@"
When I run the launch file I get the error: "cannot resolve host address for machine [ comp@ The traceback for the exception was written to the log file"
Any ideas?