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will i be able to use axis_camera package for all onvif compliant ptz camera

asked 2016-03-20 20:41:19 -0500

zenifed gravatar image

Currently my team is deciding on a make a model of ptz camera to attach on our robot. My colleague narrowed down to a model which is ONVIF Ver. 2.2 compliant. As Axis is one of the founding member of ONVIF, i was wondering if the AXIS_camera package in ros allows us to communicate and control other ONVIF compliant camera?

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This is a question better addressed to Axis than to the ROS community, although it is possible that someone here may know the answer.

joq gravatar image joq  ( 2016-03-21 09:04:48 -0500 )edit

Hi zenifed! Are there any updates? I would be interested to know if the axis_camera package can be used for my ONVIF IP camera. Thanks!

fiorellasibona gravatar image fiorellasibona  ( 2018-05-24 04:05:06 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2021-06-14 08:26:25 -0500

adrienH gravatar image

Regarding,, line 41, 42 and the import statments at the beginig of file it's seem that this lib use cgi 'GET' resquests to drive and read PTZ information.

Onvif is based on SOAP message... therefore, In my own opinion it won't works.

I just had a quick look on it so I might be wrong.

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Asked: 2016-03-20 20:41:19 -0500

Seen: 15,579 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '21