Publisher must be initialized. The following sample code to publish IMU message might be helpful:
void pubIMU(double tsIMU, double gyro_x, double gyro_y, double gyro_z, double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_z)
sensor_msgs::Imu imuMsg;
// imuMsg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
imuMsg.header.frame_id = "imu"; //
imuMsg.angular_velocity.x = gyro_x;
imuMsg.angular_velocity.y = gyro_y;
imuMsg.angular_velocity.z = gyro_z;
imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = acc_x;
imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = acc_y;
imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = acc_z;
void readCSV(const string &strPath2Dataset)
// some function to extract info from a sample csv file:
// ....
// ....
// ....
pubIMU(timeStampIMU[i], gyro_X[i], gyro_Y[i], gyro_Z[i], acc_X[i], acc_Y[i], acc_Z[i]);
// ^^^^^real function I'd like to publish^^^^^, ****modify based on your own need!!!
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "imuPub");
ros::NodeHandle nh;
// all your publisher must be defined in the very beginning:
pub_imu = nh.advertise <sensor_msgs::Imu> ("/imu_raw" ,1);
pub_cam = nh.advertise <geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> ("/cam_pose" ,1);
pub_path = nh.advertise <nav_msgs::Path> ("/cam_path" ,1);
return 0;
Please format console copy/pastes with the Preformatted text button (the one with
on it). Otherwise the error text gets filtered, and it's not visible.In my case, the issue was caused by calling the
method from the publisher