ROS Hector Slam using RP-Lidar 2D Laser Scanner
Hello, I'm new on using ROS.
I work on a project which use 2D laser scanner and do localization solely based on Laser scanner result (without odometry) and i found out ROS support such a thing. I've try using ROS hector SLAM which found here, and it works wonder with logged data.
So far, i have no problem interfacing with my Rp-Lidar. I can save its raw data to a file (such as .txt), and using c++ i can stream the data saved on the .txt
My question is, how to link my saved laser scanner data and ROS Hector SLAM package? I've notice that the logged data use .bag file? Do i need to save my recorded data into a .bag file? thank in advance. hope i make my self clear