Publishing parameter updates to camera using pointgrey_camera_driver
With Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04 I would like to control the parameters of a BlackFly GiGE camera using pointgrey_image_driver. I can see the image using image_view while running the driver.
It looks like the parameters should be accessible using dynamic reconfigure but when I publish messages from the command line, there is no effect on the image. Examples of messages I have tried:
rostopic pub -1 /camera/camera_nodelet/parameter_updates dynamic_reconfigure/BoolParameter '{name: auto_white_balance, value: False}'
rostopic pub -1 /camera/camera_nodelet/parameter_updates dynamic_reconfigure/BoolParameter '{name: white_balance_red, value: 3}'
Actually, I'd just like to set all the parameters once so if there's a way to do that other than by using dynamic_reconfigure, that would be great to know.
When I look at the parameter_updates topic, I see that there are no subscribers to that topic. That seems like a problem.
It's the unique camera that you have tried? I have no problems using Flea3 1394b...