Moveit missing rosdep dependencies on raspbian jessie
I am currently trying to install moveit on a raspbian.
First I installed ROS indigo using these instructions. After that i followed these manual instructions to install moveit, but I could not install the dependencies.
$ rosdep update
reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d
Query rosdistro index
Add distro "groovy"
Add distro "hydro"
Add distro "indigo"
Add distro "jade"
Add distro "kinetic"
updated cache in /home/pi/.ros/rosdep/sources.cache
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies:
moveit_ros_benchmarks: No definition of [eigen_conversions] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_perception: No definition of [sensor_msgs] for OS [debian]
moveit_setup_assistant: No definition of [xacro] for OS [debian]
moveit_fake_controller_manager: No definition of [pluginlib] for OS [debian]
moveit_msgs: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS [debian]
moveit_planners_ompl: No definition of [pluginlib] for OS [debian]
moveit_controller_manager_example: No definition of [pluginlib] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_move_group: No definition of [pluginlib] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui: No definition of [tf] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_planning: No definition of [angles] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_robot_interaction: No definition of [interactive_markers] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_control_interface: No definition of [trajectory_msgs] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_manipulation: No definition of [manipulation_msgs] for OS [debian]
moveit_commander: No definition of [python-pyassimp] for OS version [jessie]
moveit_simple_controller_manager: No definition of [actionlib] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_warehouse: No definition of [tf] for OS [debian]
moveit_core: No definition of [tf_conversions] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_visualization: No definition of [object_recognition_msgs] for OS [debian]
moveit_ros_planning_interface: No definition of [tf_conversions] for OS [debian]
I am new to ROS and this infrastructure, so its possible I missed something or did something wrong.
Could it be that this happens because the rosdep indigo distribution definition does not mention debian jessie? How can I fix this?