How can I record all the UR5 states( position, velocity, tool position, tool force...) into a txt or csv file at rate 125Hz?
Hi, My question is not an issue but I have no idea where to put it... Now I am working on a UR5 for my compliant force (Impedance Control) experiment, and I decide to use universal_robot project (using ur_modern_driver instead of ur_driver). My first question is How can I record all the UR5 states( position, velocity, tool position, tool force...) into a txt or csv file at rate 125Hz? I noticed that in ur_modern_driver the two topics has been subscribed, however, I did not receive the exact message, other saying , speed_sub_->data.c_str() is null.
speed_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("ur_driver/joint_speed", 1, &RosWrapper::speedInterface, this); urscript_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("ur_driver/URScript", 1, &RosWrapper::urscriptInterface, this);
My secode question is Can someone please give me details on how to provide point by point Cartesian Trajectories to a UR5? So anyone can give me some help? If with an example how to use universal_robot on UR5, I will appreciate it well.
Thanks, Chunting