roslaunch stop if yaml doesn't exists
I am working on autonomous cars and I need a specific performance of roslaunch. I am working with a webserver and I need to know if a vehicle exists in the webserver. In this case I write a yaml file to save the vehicle_ID and continue working. Afterwards, I reset everything and roslaunch again the file. If the vehicle_id.yaml file exists, I load over roslaunch with rosparam command "load"
My problem is that if the vehicle_id.yaml doesn't exists, roslaunch give me an error and stop the whole roslaunch.
This is my roslaunch:
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find webserver_client)/config/vehicle_id.yaml"/>
<node name="webserver_client" pkg="webserver_client" type="webserver_client" output="screen"/>
Is there a possibility to ask if the yaml file exists and if not, don't load the parameters?