rosbag in launch file not saving properly [closed]
I can successfully save data through command line tools (rosbag record -O mybag.bag /state) but when I convert this to a launch file implementation it does not save the "mybag.bag" file properly or I just don't know where this file saves to. I know the rosbag node is working because I can see it subscribing to /state in rqt_graph. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
<node name="environmentNode" pkg="localization" type=""/>
<node name="actionNode" pkg="localization" type=""/>
<node pkg="rosbag" type="record" name="recorder" args="-O mybag.bag /state" output="screen"/>
<arg name="width" default="100"/>
<arg name="height" default="100"/>
<arg name="resolution" default="100"/>
<arg name="Lrate" default="30"/>
<arg name="w" default=".5 .5"/>
<arg name="s0" default="100 100"/>
<arg name="g" default="0 0"/>
<arg name="type" default="linear"/>
<param name="resolution" value="$(arg resolution)"/>
<param name="width" value="$(arg width)"/>
<param name="height" value="$(arg height)"/>
<param name="Lrate" value="$(arg Lrate)"/>
<param name="w" value="$(arg w)"/>
<param name="s0" value="$(arg s0)"/>
<param name="g" value="$(arg g)"/>
<param name="type" value="$(arg type)"/>
Can you perhaps add a link to what this is a duplicate of? Would help future readers.
can't find the link anymore, but they are stored in ~/.ros folder