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Which local planner should i use for dynamic obstacles?

asked 2016-06-08 23:15:53 -0500

rajnunes gravatar image

We are currently using teb_local_planner bit it doesn't work for dynamic obstacles in the bots path... in th cost map a dynamic obstacle is perceived as a wall ...i think . Is there any other local planner which can be used for moving around dynamic obstacles??thanks

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3 Answers

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answered 2016-06-09 02:46:40 -0500

croesmann gravatar image

updated 2018-06-15 11:45:25 -0500

EDIT: The teb_local_planner package has now support for dynamic obstacles based on a constant velocity model. You can find two new tutorials on that topic in the tutorials section.

The navigation stack currently does not support dynamic obstacles actually. However, dynamic obstacles are treated as static in the current control/sampling interval. Due to the discretized grid representation of the costmap any temporal coherence isn't capured. However, extending the DWA or teb_local_planner to dynamic obstacles is in principal straight forward, but it would require additional tracking and motion prediction on top of the costmap. Up to my knowledge, there isn't any local planner for the navigation stack that performs it's own tracking and prediction. I am not aware of other planning packages beside of the navigation stack.

However, you can improve the current obstacle avoidance behavior by adding the inflation layer to the local costmap (in addition to the global costmap). By doing so, the robot starts earlier avoiding the obstalce (w.r.t. the static snapshot). Currently, the teb_local_planner does not take inflated cells into account. In that case, refer to the DWA planner. A concept similar to the original inflation has already been implemented in the teb_local_planner package

There are multiple other questions here with similar concerns:

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@croesmann Can you shade new light on this issue ? I've seen you've made a lot of upgrade to TEB since this was posted last year. Are there now some differences with what you commented above ? Thanks a lot!

Kiwa21 gravatar image Kiwa21  ( 2017-05-08 05:40:03 -0500 )edit

yeah, there were some updates, but I am going to push the dynamic obstacle update in june or july ;-)

croesmann gravatar image croesmann  ( 2017-05-08 06:02:47 -0500 )edit

@croesmann, Can you commit a preview of dynamic obstacle handling for teb_local_planner (perhaps in a task branch)? I am very interested in reading the code now and possibly contributing.

howardcochran gravatar image howardcochran  ( 2017-06-02 23:31:46 -0500 )edit

@croesmann, Can you share some ideas about how to handle with dynamic obstacles like persons in the crowd in local planner? Thanks

merlinwu gravatar image merlinwu  ( 2017-06-05 20:15:05 -0500 )edit

the dynamic obstacles extension is already in the public branch for quite some weeks now. Unfortunately, I had not enough spare-time yet to write a tutorial.

croesmann gravatar image croesmann  ( 2018-01-02 02:20:41 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-06-23 06:11:59 -0500

lfr gravatar image

Here: eband_local_planner you can find the eband_local_planner (it is not the only one but I think it may help you). Watch the video, you will have a good idea of the possibilities of this planner.
I hope it can help you.

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answered 2016-06-22 10:37:47 -0500

gavran gravatar image

DWA planner can handle slow dynamic obstacles.
If the dynamic obstacles you have are other robots, there is a multi_robot_collision_avoidance package, but it is not actively developed and its main purpose was - as far as I understood - to illustrate the local collision avoidance as described here. I tried using it and it manages to avoid dynamic obstacles (other robots on their way) but have some other shortcomings, like crashing into a wall every now and then or not recognizing correctly if the goal was reached.

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Asked: 2016-06-08 23:15:53 -0500

Seen: 5,413 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '18