Segfault using ethzasl_icp_mapper
So I have some velodyne pointcloud data playing from a rosbag and I'm running the mentioned icp mapper with it.
Without any configuration the resulting map is (naturally) weird and not correct.
So I looked into this
and tried the openni/icp.yaml configuration file.
I removed the ErrorMinimizer there because I don't think I have normals.
Whenever I run the mapper now with the command
"rosrun ethzasl_icp_mapper mapper _odom_frame:=velodyne _icpConfig:=/home/me/icp.yaml"
it crashes. This are its last messages:
INFO] [1466091372.160548899]: Processing new point cloud
INFO] [1466091372.160644797]: Input filters took 3.3035e-05 [s]
INFO] [1466091372.160837349]: Creating an initial map
INFO] [1466091372.161340540]: [TIME] New map available (6650 pts), update took 0.000646512 [s]
INFO] [1466091372.280269047]: Processing new point cloud
INFO] [1466091372.280357460]: Input filters took 2.784e-06 [s]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Do you have some tips how to make the whole thing work?
I'm a complete beginner and trying to get my hands dirty.
I'm using ROS Indigo and Ubuntu 14.04.