save file in different directory - launch file
<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbagr" args="$(find bag_to_depth_image)bagfile/newrgb.bag"/>
<node name="extract_r" pkg="bag_to_depth_image" type="extract_images" respawn="false" output="screen" cwd="node">
<remap from="image" to="/camera/rgb/image_raw"/>
That's my launch file. I want to change the directory where the rosbag
file is saved, with cwd
I have only choice between node and home cwd="ROS_HOME|node"
I have to record a very big file with thousands of images from depth and rgb. So i want to save the rosbag
file in a different location.
Can't you just give that to your program as a command line argument?
I've been following this tutorial And I don't know how to do it from command line