How to map with kinect in kinetic and freenect?
I am running ubuntu 16.04, with kinetic for xbox, using a kinect for point cloud data. I want to generate a map, but I cannot figure out how to make a map of an environment. I am hoping that I can use the kinect and spoof the odometry and rotation from the video from the kinect. I am using freenect because I have read that openni/openni2 are no longer supporting kinect. I have ran:roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch, then rosrun rviz rviz, and am able to get some point cloud data. I have tried to change the different settings for the referenced frame portions from the kinect in order to try to get map data.
So, Is there a way I can make a map with just the kinect and no "real" odometry, (pretty much without a robot connected). What are the steps to build a map? And if I am asking horribly bad questions (or even if the questions aren't too bad) to people and should be using the wiki, how am I supposed to know what I need to do to find the answers on my own.
Thank you.