Simple move_base example without sensors?
I have a small, custom robot. I'm trying to learn the ROS navigation stack in this order:
- Set up my robot to move by teleoperation and publish odometry. (DONE)
- Use move_base to drive to a goal position (/move_base_simple/goal) assuming no obstacles and using no sensors.
- Add sensors and obstacle avoidance with no a priori map.
- Use gmapping to generate a map.
I'm stuck on #2 right now. I've tried to use a global configuration that has "rolling_window: true" and "static_map: false", as suggested, but move_base seems to go into recovery modes right away. (Local configuration is similar.) Can someone point me to an example of using move_base with neither a static map nor sensors? Or tell me how to figure out why a recovery mode is being triggered?