Communicate with ros through XML-RPC
I am working on a project where i need to communicate to ROS from Windows PC. I found that XML-RPC is the best way to do it. Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.
My question is, can we communicate using different protocols like SOAP request to XML-RPC? Will that be feasible? I know this is a kind of weird idea but I am facing issues in linking XML-RPC libraries for C++.
Can I get the video feed from rviz(Simulation of the Robot) through XML-RPC request response procedure in order to display in Windows PC?
Some clarification: XML-RPC is only used in ROS to communicate with the master, not with individual nodes. Data exchange between nodes is a 1-to-1 affair, and uses TCPROS (or its UDP variant).
and a bit pedantic maybe (my apologies), but RViz is not a simulator, it's only a visualisation tool. Any 'video feed' you visualise in it must come from another node, so to retrieve it, contact that node.
Thank you for the comment. I have used rosbridge_server and made a connection with ROS Master (websocket and tcp). In both cases i am able to connect to ROS master with a url(http://192.168.xx.xx:9090/) but i am not sure how to call a service/node after successful connection.